Thursday, July 14, 2016

Gift Certificates and Other Unique gifts

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 Gift Certificates at Aspects Astrology

Aspects Astrology always offers unique and personalized gifts, not to mention a personal experience! My staff and I are here to give you and the special people in your life the personal and meaningful gift we could only give together. Your gift from Aspects Astrology is as unique as the person you are giving it to - because it's all about them! We're adding to our inventory and creating more interesting and meaningful ways to give astrology to yourself and the people you love, every day. Make sure to sign up for our newsletter and check out our website often.

Take Care,
Sarah Lynn &
The Aspects Staff

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A New Home for Aspects!

We've been working on a fully functional website for our friends, clients and students for a while now. With a couple of versions that were quick fixes to get us through the beginning of the year - we finally have a site to move into! 

Aspects Astrology will now have all our newest articles and musings along with our seasonal horoscopes in one easy to use location. We are adding events, lectures and workshops for the summer season and have a beautiful display of the personalized gifts we provide right now. 

Check out to see what we have to offer now, and sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date as we grow=o) 

Thanks for finding us on blogger and we will be excited to serve you BETTER at! 

Monday, May 23, 2016


Your fingers lap at my soul
like penetrating, radiant, rays of the Sun
Soothingly Passionate
Come take my hand,
let's begin that ancient dance
We both know our parts
Now we begin anew
From that place we left off before

An invitation from Lilith, to dance. This was inspired a few years back, but when I read it recently, I felt it was all about Lilith in Scorpio. XOXO ~ Sarah Lynn

Friday, May 13, 2016

Lilith - The Woman Every Man Wishes He Could Have, But Won't Ever Possess

With all this talk of the emerging female, I love the idea of the asteroid Lilith beginning a transit of deep, dark, mysterious Scorpio! Is there really anyone among us, male or female, that isn't a bit afraid of the true power of the untamed, forever wild, woman ? Think of how we're always shifting blame to those among us that dare honor her in any way.  Lilith is the consummate, cosmic,  bad girl! If you think of all the things we tell little girls not to do in order to be considered a good girl - yeah, Lilith choose to cast all those aside. There're many elements to the legend and lore of Lilith, from being the handmaid of the Goddess Inanna,  to Adam's first wife, and everything in-between, but the common thread, in all of her stories, is that Lilith had a problem submitting to any patriarch; her sexuality was hers to command, and she refused to go down without a fight! Her rebellion to all things which caged her is a dynamic symbol of sacred rebellion for both women and men. In Lilith's story, the daunting task of dispelling the Goddess depended on oppressing all the mysteries of the feminine through the world's longest and most effective smear campaign, and yet she continues on with an unwavering will to survive, no matter what has been thrown at her, like many women I know today.    

In astrology (it is an astrology blog, after all), Lilith, is actually the name of an asteroid (Lilith #1181), the name of a sensitive spot in space, as measured by our visible moon's apogee (Black Moon Lilith), and a mythical, or hypothetical, second moon of the earth, said to be almost always hidden to us because of its position, named after Lilith (Dark Moon Lilith). Add to this list, a fixed star at about 25 ° of Taurus, named Stellar Lilith, and it can get a little confusing to figure out. With all these different heavenly bodies and theoretical sensitive, and hidden spots, all named after this dark Goddess who represents all that is wild and free within the feminine psyche, you would think she'd be more easily found! 

When I read through what I can find regarding Lilith, in many ways, I see the very oldest of threads remaining of the history of all my mothers and sisters before me, since the beginning of time. At her very worst, Lilith can be selfish, destructive, and deceptive; but when Lilith is at her best, she's sensuous, a gateway to the deepest mysteries, the Goddess in all her wonderful and fierce forms, embodied by every woman that wants to find her. As with so many things we don't quite understand, we all fear these things Lilith represents. Her embodiment of the Goddess here on earth as the handmaid of Inanna, with her role as the sacred prostitute in the temples, and the vessel by which the rites of fertility were practiced, Lilith created a sense of omnipotent presence which all women pay the price for to this day.

 Much like the powerful feminine rising today, Lilith is hard to find, difficult to understand, multi-faceted, and impossible to keep down forever. When we look at how women spend their energy trying desperately to keep her feminine desires, impulses, sensuality, and wisdom pushed down small enough to not freak guys out, it isn't hard to see all the ways Lilith rebels to be seen! Part of the lesson of Lilith is survival by any means. Sometimes survival means retreat, hide, adapt to the best of your ability, but sometimes to survive you must be fierce, aggressive, and unyielding!  I find it interesting in our male dominated, war driven, control based society, we not only allow men to embrace all of Lilith's qualities, good and bad with no judgment at all, but we find these assets exciting and desirable.

Why, as women, do we constantly hand our power away, or feel shame and guilt when we refuse to? Even worse, some of us get ridiculed, made to feel small and dirty, by our own sisters. The survival technique of retreat; quietly submitting; hiding in plain sight, in order to manipulate the story, and making the story sweeter than it really is: not only are these the methods used most often by women to survive, these are the methods by which we have been able to keep the Goddess alive for our daughters and grand-daughters. As Lilith has started coming back to light, so, too, has the rise of feminism, and women's proper place as a divine being, in and of, herself. I don't think it was any accident that the asteroid, Lilith #1181 was discovered toward the end of the 1920's, just when the roaring twenties, with flappers and bobbed hair, was in full swing, with women beginning bold enough to demand rights and respect. Since her discovery in the early 1900's until now, the theme of Lilith has become more and more interwoven into our culture, subconsciously awakening in our psyche, and establishing herself more and more prominently in astrology.  

Since 1927, when the asteroid Lilith was discovered at 7 ° Leo, the Black Moon Lilith has made roughly 9 transits through the zodiac. The number nine, a number that represents the end of a major cycle, movement into unconditional love of all mankind, and mathematical magic by its very nature, is a wonderful representation of Lilith in her many miraculous, and mundane, forms. Although much about Lilith is embodied by the number 9, in astrology she feels most at home, and  seems to revel in, all things Scorpio, and the mysteries hidden in the eighth house. It's almost as if, armed only by her divine wisdom, and pure faith in subconscious impulses, she knows she must purify herself through excess, submission to the beast within, and complete dissolve into the mystic of the abyss, before she can rise like a phoenix in the ninth house of Sagittarius; rising above, aiming for her purist destiny - the embodiment of the Goddess here on earth, in all her glory! 

It's no accident that the rediscovery of Lilith, and the rise of feminism, have gone hand in hand. It's not by coincidence that Lilith is complicated, multi-faceted, misunderstood, and chastised for her very existence and refusal to die.  It isn't just happenstance that started the rise of women's awakening to the idea that we were created whole, equal to man in our own right, and with our own power to command, at our will, without the need for permission or approval from any man. The idea of "As above, so below" comes to mind when I contemplate how the asteroid Lilith was always there, and yet not visible, much like all the other elements of Lilith. The Power and magic of the Goddess has followed the example of Lilith; always here, but not always boldly seen with the naked eye. Lilith is both, so subtle she can hide in plain sight, yet too wild and powerful to disappear.

As Black Moon Lilith moves out of Libra and into Scorpio around mid-may, she's going to be ready to push us to extremes, helping us to embrace those parts of the divine feminine that we will no longer apologize for like: the way we bleed with the rhythm of the moon cycles; how we can bend the mathematical rules that the rest of the world uses, and insist that for us, one plus one equals that magic number 3; to nurture comes second nature, and we can heal with the salve of release. Scorpio reminds Lilith that her body was once worshiped as a temple, in and of itself, and her wisdom was law. While Lilith in Libra has been asking us to examine where we've been off balance, urging us to examine the dark and bitter aspects of our relationships, looking at partner as a reflection of self, and uncovering the idea that the sparkly, beauty of desire, needs to be balanced with substance and depth by both partners - Lilith in Scorpio demands so much more to reach her full potential. 

By its very nature, Lilith in Scorpio will leave scars somewhere while we transit through this next nine months together.   On a large scale, we move beyond the world stage presenting all the deceptive ways we've been trying to balance the scales of male vs. female, and start bringing to the forefront all the truly unapologetic ways in which we embrace being fully formed women (and men for that matter). Scorpio and Lilith are both known for going to extremes. Sometimes we don't know what our limits are unless we push them; our impulse for drowning in ecstasy, and submitting to the lusts of the flesh, can be a learning experience you can't deny. Just like a woman's body knows how to create life from nothing, manifestation is a woman's birth right to reclaim without asking permission. We're not only allowed to conquer the world, in our own way, we're being asked to lead the charge to heal, applying the salve that only mystery, and awakening to the ancient wisdom within can accomplish. In nine months we push into a more detached, and destiny driven sort of feminine energy, but for now we're reconnecting with the kind of impulses to passion, and lust that blows our mind, and pushes our boundaries. I'm not just talking about the kind of lust that brings you to your knees within the confines of a relationship, because women may actually feel a little imprisoned by their circumstances, right now, if their partner isn't encouraging their wild and passionate nature; I'm talking about finding that kind of passion and lust for life in everything you are doing - including your partner!

If I could give some words of advice for the next 9 months, it would be to reconnect with the rebel within; your inner "Black Widow", the femme fetal all men want but could never possess. Most of the time, we fear the idea of failure less than the thought of fully embracing the full spectrum of how bad ass we could truly be. You see, failure is easy to comprehend, but the boundaries of creative manifestation are limitless, and scary! As with so many things we fear, the fear itself speaks to us. Lilith embraces, without thought to reason, all that is powerful and omnipotent about the divine feminine, whether it can be controlled, once unleashed, or not. Over the next 9 months, understand that always holding the reigns tight will only leave you with bloody hands and damage the mouth of your stead; while letting go of your control, and accepting the power between your thighs, will drive you and the horse to limits you both fear and crave, with little more than sore muscles and a new thirst for life.  

If you feel like I've written this blog post for women, with no thought to the men out there going through this transit, don't fear - I love you guys, too! While Lilith challenges women to fiercely embody their shadow side, and all we've been told to suppress, you're being tasked with being man enough to trust us to take on all that we truly are as women, and not squash you in the process!  Looking at the Jewish tradition of explaining Lilith as Adam's first wife, we're given a wonderful parable of how NOT to treat the woman you love! This story of Lilith is actually pieced together from different legend and lore, but the long and short of it is: God first created Adam and Lilith (or the first Eve), as the male and female halves of an androgynous being, that was then split in two by God. In this first creation story, while Lilith considers herself equal to Adam, he is insistent that she submit. She literally throws a fit, in this story, over Adam refusing to allow her to be on top during sex, and she leaves him.  

Obviously there's more to the story's depth and symbolism, just as there's more to the control issues, in modern life, between men and women. In many ways, Lilith embodies all these control issues that can develop into outright abuse. Here's an interesting idea, as we become more and more evolved humans, I believe we'll learn to tame some of the more destructive tendencies of the Lilith within, by embracing and allowing sacred space for our wild and mysterious impulses. I think we can all agree that women, in all their many phases in life, with our innate connection to the rhythms and cycles of the Earth and the Moon (which I believe extends much, much further than that), are magic walking. We can be soft, warm and nurturing, while understanding the need, and value, of being hard and unyielding. Our love can know no bounds, but with a loving shove we can mark the passage that says it's time to let go. The bodies we came into this world with can offer comfort, and life nurturing milk, not to mention a gateway to connecting with the gods. When we, as a society, begin again to embrace these truths, we'll finally start breaking free of the gender roles, and control issues, that keep us estranged from true communion. I encourage men to take this time to consider what scares you about abandoning all reason, submitting to pure emotion and the unknown. I know with my whole being, that we must still honor the penetrating, focus of male energy; however, while the divine male, God made real on Earth, is needed like we need the Sun, what good would the Sun do any of us, if there was not fertile fields to receive, and transcend, the penetration into life. We need each other like a mirror needs a reflection; like the sea needs the shore; like night needs the day.   

If you haven't looked into Lilith in your chart, or you are feeling the call of the rising feminine within, I encourage you to find out more. If you're interested in exploring some of the more raw and powerful, yet subtle and misunderstood, dynamics of the feminine energy, and how she is emerging at large in the world, start digging into, and connecting with her history. Some women have little to no connection to Lilith, and the calling from this dark, shadowy, feminine energy may be felt mostly in the Lilith themes playing out around them. Other women may feel Lilith like a shadow sister, that finally helps make it all fit into place. The same is true for the men we share this new age of Aquarius with. A dynamically placed Lilith in a man's chart will leave its mark on him as well. I, personally, have my sun sitting right on top of Stellar Lilith and trine Black Moon Lilith, so I may have a tendency to sugar coat and romanticize her, but my feeling is, you can already find plenty of nasty things to read about her; you don't need me to add to that. I have a personal affinity for Lilith, that makes me love her wild, free, untamable spirit, and frankly, I love the ugly parts to Lilith, as well. She was damaged, but choose to save herself. Lilith was willing to face uncertainty, and self  imposed isolation, over oppression and continued deprecation. Let's face it, as women, we're often faced with next to impossible odds, and throughout history we have accomplished the impossible time and again. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Good Bye Lilith in Libra, Hello Scorpio!

Have you ever wondered where the expression "burning the candle at both ends" comes from? Well, an incredible woman, named Edna St. Vincent Millay, coined the phrase in one of her more famous poems of the bygone jazz era. Ms. St. Vincent Millay was a trend setting woman, with her natal placement of Lilith, the dark moon asteroid, in Libra. 

If the last 9 months have left you feeling like being fabulous has left you exhausted and less than fulfilled, get ready for this little astrological gem of wild woman embodied, to leave her transit of Libra behind, and move into deep, and mysterious Scorpio. This next 9 month transit of exploring the hidden truths of the dark, the wild, and that which pulls our souls into the mystic, will begin in the next few days, and the frantic need for all that is pretty and sparkly will fade behind.  

More to come ...Promise=o) 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

You Are Perfect, Just the Way You Are...

I don't believe you are damaged
I believe you've been beautifully broken in just the right way.
I believe your pieces will -
by finding their own way to fit -
Take you on the adventure of a lifetime.
Releasing your soul;
Reflecting the hologram that is the life
you have dreamt along the way.
Dream bold.
~ Sarah Lynn, 6/1/14

Just a few things to think about on the far side of the Scorpio moon. Love you all. 
Sarah Lynn~ 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Pink Moon in Scorpio - Spring is in the Air...

As we've all been shaking off the remnants of last month's eclipses, and finally getting our feet under us again, we find ourselves gearing up for the incredible, albeit intense, Scorpio full moon. April's full moon is lovingly referred to as the Pink Moon, because of the wild, pink phlox that start appearing this time of year. I don't know about you, but this is the full moon when I see spring fever in those friends and clients whom are particularly inclined; like a primal need to role in the wild flowers, and howl at the moon. This spring, we'll also be contending with Jupiter in retrograde, moving into opposition of Neptune; Mars goes retrograde just a few days before the full moon, and lovely Luna is on a course of collision toward Mars as they are moving at break neck speed toward each other in Sagittarius meeting up on the 25th just a few days after the pink moon! 

As I sit writing this blog post, I've been noticing a pattern with myself, and people I come into contact with - we're exhausted! It's like no amount of sleeping, or napping, could keep our eyes open for the last few days. The closer we got to the 16th, and Mars entering the shadow of the turn into retrograde, the more I heard about the need for sleep from all corners of my life! I know that Mars moving into retrograde can cause a sluggish, lack of direction, with no motivation to push forward, but it hasn't even started yet! So, I started looking at all the movement leading up to this months' watery, deeply mysterious, sensual Scorpio moon; not only are we still feeling the ripples of the solar eclipse in Pisces, and the lunar eclipse in Libra, but all this backward motion is calling us to dream! 

Jupiter began its' shift to retrograde through Virgo back in January of this year, and as we reach mid-April, we're all starting to feel the pull of Neptune's opposition to the backward moving Jupiter! As Jupiter moving through Virgo always gives us a chance to examine the bigger picture of our day-to-day life, our health, and practical matters of all kinds, the backward momentum pulls our attention toward introspection. The gift of Jupiter retrograde is the idea of expansion of your inner world, and in Virgo the universe gives us the opportunity to see how everyday life is really the key; after all, the day to day, practical stuff - that's where the rubber hits the road, right? Often, in our quest to want more, strive for enlightenment, and push our lives forward, we forget that first we have to deal with all the reality of how we live our lives for real! What a wonderful opportunity over the next few weeks to look inside and see how our daily lives are the place to begin our transformation;  especially as the taskmaster Saturn (also in retrograde) pulls tighter into conjunction with Jupiter. The desire for all of us to reform our unhealthy habits, look at revamping our schedule to get more out of our days, and the idea of expanding our knowledge of practical information to improves our lives, has become critical to many of the people I talk with. Combining all this, with an opposition to dreamy, spiritual Neptune in Pisces, can create a bit of a dream state whether we are asleep or awake.  

It's this slight dream state we're all feeling, that I think is causing us to feel SO drained! Along with everyone's dreamy self reflection, we're moving closer and closer to that Mars retrograde in Sagittarius. Sagittarius, Jupiter's natural home sign, may have been pushing us all to exert more energy than we have anyway. If we are searching our brain, instead of our heart, it can have a tendency cause the wheels in our head to spin us into exhaustion! All of this internal, mental work can sometimes come across as disrupting any focus we usually direct toward keeping the little things in order. This might be a good time to just give in if you can. Take a nap. Sleep when you have a chance, and don't judge yourself for it. Sleep can actually be a very useful form of meditation, and if we let it, our brain is very adept at working our problems out when we let it relax!

Aside from the last few weeks putting us through an emotional roller coaster, and giving us all a much needed shove forward, how do we use this energy to our advantage? Many of us are feeling like our new start is just a few seconds away. What's stopping some of us from curling up in bed, and taking a three day power nap? The excitement we're feeling as we build to this Scorpio full moon! Somewhere deep down, we feel a primal pull to keep going, to keep pushing, to drive ourselves toward knowing ourselves on that deep, ancient level where rebirth, and transcendence begin. Even though we feel tired, if we let it, we can use this call to sleep to our advantage by  looking at how we honor, and practice, the mysteries in our daily lives. The daily practice of honoring our spirit, acknowledging the unknown, living a life of purpose by taking time to meditate, honor our dreams, and submitting to all we do not know, is a good start to connecting to our most ancient roots.
In this world of rushing around to finish tasks, and making lists of responsibilities that mustn't be overlooked, sometimes the only way we stop and connect to our subconscious, primal, self, is when we fall asleep, and that's okay - it works! Besides, the act of honoring the needs of your body will always be your  most basic act of self love. I don't know about you, but I've been having, and hearing about, a lot more dreams than usual. I don't just mean the kind of dreams that happen when you're sleeping (although there certainly has been more of that lately), I'm talking about the kind of dreaming you do when you're awake; the way people feel their deepest desires deep down in their heart's. I don't know if you've ever noticed, but the most important things that have ever  happened throughout history have started with a dream. Rarely do the plans that move mountains and catapult society forward start with a blank canvas and a think tank; they START with a dream. 

It might sound a little silly that my recommendation for the next few weeks is to dream, but that's my advice and I'm sticking to it! I would encourage you, however, to examine your definition of dreaming. What I'm asking you is, could we incorporate dreaming into our everyday lives? The solar eclipse in Pisces last month did a good job of showing us what we needed to let go of. It's difficult to dream, or connect to Spirit, the Universe, or anything else, when you're dragging your past around. The following Libra eclipse asked us to restore balance, and I'm sure your life has been pointing out where that needs to happen! You won't find the keys to letting go and finding balance in "how to" programs or "self-help" books. The only path to change is by tapping into your own inner identity, and these movements have really helped, believe it or not! When you tap into that deep, honest, raw and primal part of who you are, it isn't about self-discipline, or shoving yourself into a box provided by society, and it isn't about pushing yourself into exhaustion, frantically checking off your list; living becomes a natural unfolding, just like a rose or a butterfly. Nobody sets an alarm clock for their rose garden, and a caterpillar doesn't check off a list before taking their "chrysalis stay-cation", and nobody I know is being told it's time to wake up to their higher self, and embrace their destiny. The thing is, we can either fight the change by letting all our mental wheels spin, letting our ego believe we can reason our way through these feelings; or like flowers and butterflies, we can stop fighting the change, and take a nap while we relax into the life and the person we were always born to become. 

How does the pinnacle of our upcoming full moon put an exclamation point on recent planetary movements? By building the slow, steady pressure to connect to our deepest, darkest desires through ancient mysteries like sex and ceremony. We all desire communication beyond that which can be experienced with words alone; the body's own wisdom to submit; that primal pulse to create something new from within the dark womb that is emptiness.  A Scorpio full moon often leads to submitting  to our most base desires as we try to distract ourselves with mindless sex,  impulsive, reckless one night stands, or drowning ourselves in our past with all that could have been. I'm sure you can see some of these options are probably not a great ideas, but adults will do what they are going to do (who am I to judge?). But, since we do have a little time to prepare, there are some considerations for a more evolved use of this energy, if you're interested. For example, from now until the full moon phase, starting on the 21st of April, consider contemplating the "why" behind your sexual desires and drives. Why you feel the need to communicate on such a primal, whole body experience with this person, is an important part of a deeper more potent connection to your partner, and the mysteries of the Universe at large. 

Stop and think about how much of our world, our own human body, and the human experience we don't understand. Many times, analytical thinking and scientific discovery leads to more questions than answers.  These are the basic lessons of Scorpio. How do you trust, when you're surrounded by so much that is unknown? What does it mean to fully move into your higher self, when you feel as if you'll never know who you really are? And, with Mars going retrograde, the need to turn around and face our inner dragons will be huge! What happens if we judge every single thought we have, and decide our own human experience is, by nature "bad", instead of simply natural and beyond understanding? If we stand paralyzed with fear over every part of this life we don't fully understand, we'll drive ourselves crazy! Stop and center yourself. Love yourself unconditionally, with passion and excited wonder. Be more interested in yourself, than in what it feels like when you drown yourself in someone else. And then, when we move into this three day full moon phase, if you are going to reach out and explore the most sacred of mysteries with someone else, know why. 

There're  some mysteries that can only be felt, and there will never be a way to change that as long as we're human. Those mysteries include the idea that every cell in our body once was stardust; the energy of who we are is bound by the same scientific law that energy can neither be created nor destroyed -meaning parts of us go on forever; the whole of who we are, reaches back through our ancestral lineage to the beginning of time; and we are connected to all that has created us. As part of the natural world, we belong here. We have the ability to reach back into our animal-instinct, and bridge that part of us that needs no education. We know how to lose ourselves in the ability to allow our bodies to submit, to act on pure instinct, and yet that connection often seem illusive as we allow our intellect to interfere. The sexual experience brings us as close as we can get to experiencing someone else's soul - that can be life changing, or it can be a fun distraction, and this Scorpio full moon is going to give us this chance if we want it. 

Whether you are on your own or in a relationship, the deep desire to contemplate and explore how you fit into the dance of life can be profound during this Scorpio Pink Moon. On a day to day level, Virgo is expanding our idea of the day to day living experience, and this will be continuing through September. I am encouraging everyone to connect with this Scorpio Full Moon and take them forward as part of your life. Bringing mystery and ceremony to the routine of your life is a pretty important part of a balanced life. Bringing a connection deeper than an orgasm, or the ability to blow off some steam with your partner, can be both a spiritual and primitive experience at once. That moment in time when you are out of your own head, and completely in the moment of surrender to life - that is the intense lesson of a Scorpio full moon; however, the blessing is that you can bring this connection to every aspect of your life. There 's a sacred and mysterious connection to every part of your life from sweeping the floor to loving your life partner. Being aware of this sacred ceremony and connection, helps you find joy in all the little unknown mysteries of life that surround us every day. If you get nothing else out of this post, I hope you find a reason to live your everyday life full of mystery, wonder and intent. Dream your dreams into reality by truly finding, and connecting, the things you do every day with your bliss. I guess I'm just saying, take a good nap because it's almost time to really wake up!  

Monday, April 4, 2016

Pisces - Spring 2016 Horoscope

Finances; possessions; what you value, and why: these are the ideas that keep swirling around in your psyche, right now Pisces. Hopefully, the changes and upsets in these areas have come to a peak, because the stress is getting out of hand!  Has the universe been providing events forcing you to look at whether you are in control of these possessions, or they're controlling you? The funny thing about money and belongings,  they are a very real representation of your attitude regarding what you value. 

Do you value the security of a warm, safe home that provides you a place to relax and recharge, or do you value money in the bank? Do you sacrifice creating a sanctuary for yourself in exchange for the security of a financial safety net? Do you value the ability to share what you cherish - physically, emotionally, and mentally- with those you love, or do you hoard all you possess, sharing little and keeping it hidden for yourself? Living in a fear based world, where you feel as if there is never enough coming in for you to survive, will create a self fulfilling prophecy.

Now's the time to look at what "things" are worth to you, Pisces. You're being asked to dig deep over the next couple of years, and take stalk of what you have learned about going without. Has it hardened your spirit, created additional anxiety, and longing in your life, or have you noticed the kindness of friends and family, helping you through, and sharing what they have? Is it possible to look back, and realize you've survived? Are you ready to let go of your outdated value system, and embrace an attitude of gratitude? There's a balance between freedom and responsibility that all money represents on a spiritual level. This is your time to start looking deeper than paying the bills with irritation, as you notice there isn't enough left over to have any fun! If you want more financial prosperity, Pisces, start taking a look at your overall value system; what's it telling you? Maybe you need to look at how lucky and blessed you already are. Life, family, friends, and time - these really are treasures you can't replace! 

Aquarius - Spring 2016 Horoscope

For those of us who know and love an Aquarius or two, the idea of them having a daily routine to interrupt, may seem hard to wrap our minds around. If you ask any Aquarian, they'll tell you the delicate balance they've created for getting it all done, and having time for themselves - is no joke! The last few years have been a serious test of your patience, as daily life keeps getting interrupted by circumstances outside your control. Sometimes it really is true, that when things seem to be falling apart, they're actually falling together. As the small, everyday routines in your life have been forced to change, you've been given a wonderful opportunity to see how integral a part you play in the lives of others. You're important! The daily grind you're a part of, would miss you if you were gone. Sometimes, isn't it enough to know you matter! 

Life is picking up speed after the last few years of pitfalls, delays, and no routine to be found. You seem to be recharged by the daily schedule picking up and life finding a groove of its own.  If you have an opportunity to partner with someone, or work on a group project that needs your unique perspective, jump on it, Aquarius! There are some resources only you can offer. Don't sell yourself short. Embrace the opportunities that are coming into your life right now, and trust that being a "yes" person will help you achieve a new and improved daily balance. Take heart, this time of chaos will soon starting to make sense, and within a couple of years you will be glad for your discombobulated routine and the way it shook out. You're going to love it, Aquarius!  

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Capricorn - Spring 2016 Horoscope

The hubbub of the holidays is finally all over. The quiet, and order of everyday life has returned. Now you can concentrate your attention on family, home, and all the places life takes place! You've been dealing with your fair share of family changes and upsets over the last few years, and you're ready for home to be a place of restoration; a salve for your soul. Unfortunately, wanting your home to provide this feeling of comfort, and achieving that place, are two different things - not to mention a lot of work!

If life circumstances have been causing changes to home, and family, when you had always considered these things constants, please know that things will start falling back into place soon. This is a difficult set of transits for people to go through. When we are children, most of us believe that our family, our traditions, and the connections that truly make us who we are, will never change. At some point, this idea gets challenged for all of us, and it shakes us to the core. We grow up in a way that only life can force upon us. Because this gradual change started a few years ago, and peaked with this set of March eclipses, we are finally ready to begin putting our families back in order. 

Part of being a child, is living with the dichotomy of wanting our parents and family to stay the same, and yet wanting to break free from it. For the last few years, you've been dealing with changes in your family life, and the connection to that assumed stability. You may have even been set free from family ties we didn't really want set free from. While it's never easy to look honestly at the things from our past that shaped our current subconscious, you're being given a unique opportunity to face what has shaped you, and come to terms with it all - good and bad. Because there are some slow moving elements at play here (starting two or three years ago and continuing for another two or three), you will have the opportunity to actually address the tension within your family if you choose to, and I hope you do.  The good news is, you are well supported by the universe right now. You really want to expand your awareness, educate yourself in the areas of spirituality, metaphysics, and any subject that could create a better life for yourself, and the people you love. Open yourself up to new ideas and new information. Reach out to your family, and try being authentic about how you feel. Although it may seem overwhelming right now, you have the chance to reframe your own history, and start building the roots for new history that will really withstand the next generations to come. 

Sagittarius - Spring 2016 Horoscope

There's no suppressing your need to play, create and connect to your inner child at this time of year, Sagittarius. You've been working for the last few years to discover the joy you know must be out there for you. If, for some reason, you seem to be unable to shake the seriousness life has been washing over you, maybe it's because you have to stop, and actually enjoy all the world has to offer. The lighthearted joy of creating for the sake of creating, can be a welcome break from the daily grind. If you have been wanting to push forward in your career right now, discovering a lighter side to life might be the key to helping you find new and creative ways to break free from work barriers as well. 

Taking the time to lose yourself, by connecting to the children in your life, reconnecting to the things that make you laugh, and bringing the fun out in your current relationships, will bring the zest back to your day. Playing will help get your mojo back all the way around, Sagittarius. This is also a wonderful time to watch how young children approach their day. Everything in a child's life is new and exciting, or they're on to the next thing!  The world is their stage, and life is a game they don't quite know the rules to, yet. You've been moving through an interesting transit,  testing your patience with boredom. You're also starting to feel that whatever is stale or no longer fun about your life must go. 

Even optimistic Sagittarius understands, you can't be the life of the party all the time, but when your whole life starts feeling like a grind, you have to go back out, and rediscovery your bliss! That's exactly what you've been asked to do this month, and the ripples will be felt for the next couple of years. As this month winds down, and the energy in your life starts gearing up, get ready to start looking for the opportunities to have fun. This is how life starts feeling sparkly again! 

Scorpio - Spring 2016 Horoscope

Work, work, work! It seems like that's all you've been dealing with for the last few years, and the dredge can sometimes feel like it's draining you. Right now, you may have a new found sense of dedication to your job, and the work you do on a daily basis. A new attitude of "I can do it", does usually surface for my Scorpio friends, as spring comes around. My suggestion to help you find a way of enjoying your daily grind? Find creative, new ways to think about what you need to plow through! Maybe, you could consider a new way to arrange your calendar, or a way to streamline a process. What are some things you could do to make the boring things quicker and smoother?

Scorpios have the power to move insurmountable mountains. You can bend the most inflexible personalities to your will. We know, you're charming; but even you can run out of pure force and determination - especially if you're getting nothing in return! Right now, you have an option of stepping back, and evaluating how your choice of work, career, and (most importantly) how you feel about that job, is functioning for you. This examination can provide more information about yourself than you realize. If your current profession is feeling restrictive, oppressive, or lackluster in general, maybe you're feeling a bit this way about everything; like growing pains. Maybe the choice of career is fine, but you want to take on more responsibility in your life, generally speaking. You may be feeling that the daily grind isn't allowing you room to grow, or could be done more efficiently, leaving you time to do more exciting projects.

 Step outside your boredom, and start letting people know you have more to offer, Scorpio! Your job may be pointing out disorganized ways you're doing things in many areas of your life. Often, when you concentrate on polishing the thing that is causing you the most stress in your life, other areas start working better as well. This is the time to roll up your sleeves, and start putting the work in. Do it with excitement and new found joy. If done with the right attitude, and extending this work ethic to all areas of your life, the recognition will follow. Look for balance, because fun makes the day run smoothly, and tasks get done. You have a unique period of time, over the next few months, to show how outdated processes and methods could be modernized, and streamlined. This will end up being a long, fulfilling process, and in a few years you'll be the expert, so dig in and don't be afraid to let your brilliance shine!

Libra - Spring 2016 Horoscope

Oh, Libra! Spring is always a time when you feel love is in the air! Partnerships; cooperation; the need to focus on the people in our lives; how well relationships are working - these are your keys to navigating this month successfully. The last few years may have been showing you all the spots where your closest relationships were lacking, or dysfunctional. There's been a real need to overhaul all the relationships in your life. Now, more than ever, you may be intrigued by the idea of partnerships. This isn't the time to try to plow through anything alone, but don't confuse the relationship you crave, with the fun of a fling.

There're some important, real life lessons for you this month, Libra. The impulse to lose yourself in a love affair could be intense - knocking you off balance completely!  A desire to find distraction in someone else, to excuse you from the real work you must do in order to make yourself a good partner, could be the easy out for you this month. I'm not saying that a single Libra shouldn't be out there having fun, but you may want to be leery of a romance that you allow to completely sweep you away. Love can be a drug, and this month, you may want to just give in. Unfortunately, like any escape, love used to self-medicate, can disconnect you from the actual experience at hand! 

You still have a couple more years to focus on partnerships. If your relationships are not on solid ground, expect the unexpected. You're being given a wonderful opportunity with these transits, including the catalyst of the last set of eclipses, to overhaul any relationship you feel is worth saving. Those partnerships you have outgrown, or have built on less than stable ground, will unexpectedly fall away.  P.S. Don't foolishly think we are talking solely of romantic partners - you have learning to do with all the relationships in your life! 

Virgo - Spring 2016 Horoscope

This isn't necessarily the time to think things through, my Virgo friends. You're being asked to dig deep into the mysteries of life. Right now, you have an opportunity to allow the idea of who you are expand, without letting your brain get in the way! Let yourself imagine no limits for just a little while! I know this idea is uncomfortable to ask most analytical Virgos to embrace; however, you've been dealing with your fair share of things coming out of left field lately, so the feeling of being in the dark has been no stranger. The universe does have a method to its madness, though. I promise!  You've been working with a mysterious energy, encouraging self-discovery through surprising and exciting life circumstances, for the last few years. This year, though, offers an incredible boost of energy and optimism, if you can stop the wheels in your head from spinning too much.

The eclipses at the beginning of March may have started a series of events, real or imagined, that have you reconsidering everything you thought you had figured out! I would encourage you to stop. Find some quiet time for yourself. If you have a partner, enjoy drowning yourself in feeling and emotion, and take some time to get out of your own head for a while. If you are single, this is a wonderful time to explore deep meditation, or any activity that really exercises the body / mind connection. You're being invited to dive deeper than ever. You have an opportunity to feel who you were before the world told you who to be, and provided you experiences to reinforce that image. 

In your most natural and relaxed state, everything you need to do just falls into place; but your lesson right now, Virgo, is to not over think it. Move with the universe, because it's trying to talk to you in every way possible. If you will simply sit still, and listen with your heart, instinct will lead you now. Don't get me wrong, I know you have real life going on, and it's very possible that finances, resources, and a real fear that you have little to no direction may make it seem impossible to take my advice. I'm not encouraging you to lose yourself completely, but making time for the mysteries in life, and opening  yourself up to letting go of your fear, will help you get the most out of this year. Let's try to make the everyday dredge feel a little more magical. There will be time for reasonable decisions, but first you have a wonderful opportunity to discover just how deep you run, Virgo! 

Leo - Spring 2016 Horoscope

It's time to shake up your life, find new knowledge, and broaden all your horizons, Leo! This feeling has been building for the last few years, and you've never felt the urge more strongly. The hunger to study, travel, find new territory and explore, has been growing fiercely, and now, more than ever, the impulse is becoming impossible to ignore. Spring always invokes your restless spirit, but you have felt the need to grow like never before. Now is the time to begin opening your mind, freeing your heart of the judgments you have of others, and most importantly, those you have of yourself. This is how you begin to break free from your own self imposed boundaries.

Don't fret about how to open your mind or push back your self-imposed boundaries. The world will point out how you need to grow and expand. Be your natural, optimistic, inviting, self, Leo, and the Universe will gently guide you to your next level of expansive greatness; however, if you try to bully your way through the next few years, try to sit on your laurels and insist that nothing change, demand everyone cater to your fantasy of rulership, the lessons may become more difficult, and life will become disappointing. This has been a time of letting go of the old, in order to be able to say yes to all the universe wants to offer you. Try harder to meet life with gratitude. Roll with the opportunities for expansion the world is handing you.

The more you embrace the shedding of your old limitations, the easier it will be to start reaping the rewards. If you have never examined what you truly value, and beliefs that formed those core morals and ethics, this is a good time to examine these ideas. Maybe you have limiting, self sabotaging thoughts about finances, and what you're worth, Leo. It's time to expand your knowledge on the subject, dig deep into your belief system, and start truly believing you are worthy of receiving;  especially the things that can't be bought like a good attitude, a higher understanding, a life of gratitude - these are the things that naturally bring all that is good in life to you, Leo. It's all happening for you, have patience.  

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Cancer - Spring 2016 Horoscope

Does the subject of career create a restlessness you can't stop obsessing over, Cancer? Do you feel like your social status, your place in the world, that special thing you want to work at giving, seems to allude you? Maybe it seems like you've gotten all you can out of your current job. If the last few years have made you feel as if this specific job has showcased all you will be getting back from your current professional situation, the pressure to achieve more may be getting intense! My advice? Take advantage of the energy, but don't put the cart before the horse. The last few weeks have been a bit emotional, and you may be feeling unappreciated, and a little lost at work, or with your identity within your profession or workplace.

This is an opportunity for professional growth, but it's a slow moving transit with a couple more years to finish unfolding, so take this time to consider your big dream, Cancer. What would you do for a living, if you could make a living doing what you love? This isn't necessarily a time to make a big change, but it's definitely the time to start searching for your bliss. Maybe you're doing what you love, but you don't feel you're getting the recognition you crave. The next few weeks can provide the introspection you'll need to answer some of these pressing questions. Take notice of the type of recognition you've been getting. Are there clues as to how you may be able to improve the situation you're currently in? Your daily routine might need some freshening up, or maybe you could connect, and communicate with a new group of people at work. There's a real opportunity to be happier by simply reframing the situation you're in, and expanding your own personal network. 

You might not be able to clearly see how your professional life is changing right now, but with some quiet contemplation, your heart will begin to lead you, and your gut instincts will tell you when you're heading the right direction. So, run yourself a bubble bath, put on your favorite music, and lose yourself in the daydream of what your ideal day at work would look and feel like. Really start honing in on this daydream, until it feels so real you can taste it. When the time is right, the opportunities will start presenting themselves, but in the mean time, just start putting it all together in your heart until the pieces begin to make sense and fall together.  

Gemini - Spring 2016 Horoscope

Spring fever for a Gemini can evoke a need to be needed! A time to contemplate what you want to give the world at large. You start thinking about the groups and friends you identify with, and begin to wonder what cooperation may accomplish. How could your gifts and talents be given to best accomplish a legacy or your mark on the world. The last three or four years have been reshaping what you feel you could accomplish on a large scale, or maybe you have been realizing you have been dreaming too small in the past. As a collector of knowledge, stories and personal connections, the idea of collaboration on a large scale is always a fun idea for you, but sometimes you can scatter your energy too much to accomplish as much as you would like. Recently, the need to focus in and start getting things done has become more than just an idea, it is becoming a drive!

If you've been compelled to find a new way of relating to people, challenging yourself to redefine what you have to offer those around you, or trying to find your place in the world at large,  you are probably on the right track, Gemini. It takes courage to reinvent yourself. There is always a fear of outgrowing cherished friends. This has been a gradual change, as you have rolled things around in your head, and yearned for more. With about two or three years of this slow moving transformation left to go, you're craving some traction to give you the momentum you would like in your life. Don't worry, you'll be a butterfly before you know it! If you aren't moving, or you aren't moving fast enough, maybe you are underestimating your own gifts to give, Gemini. Dig into your roots; talk to family, and the people that love you and know you best. These are the people that want to give you wings and help you stay grounded in reality. It's alright to feel like you need to branch out, sometimes. Besides, you're such a social butterfly, Gemini, it isn't like you have to leave these people behind; they will always love it when you brush back by, and tell them your new stories; the exciting things you have been working on, and how much you missed them!  

Taurus - Spring 2016 Horoscope

Spring in general, is a glorious time of mystery for you, Taurus, and this year won't disappoint! For you, the early spring should mean time for contemplating the darkness before the rebirth. It is important to make time to connect with pure intuition, and you do this by being still. You have had time for reflecting on behaviors and the repeating patterns you have not only outgrown, but seem to be biting you in the butt until you notice them. If you have been feeling as if some reactions are out of your control they can become, not only problematic, but create enough emotional pressure to finally come to light. Have some patience with yourself, Taurus. You've been in the middle of a seven year cycle; ridding yourself of the behaviors and habits you have finally outgrown. New habits don't start over night, and outgrown habits certainly don't fall away that quickly, either. The last three years of incredible self discovery, which has involved your need to find new and primal connections to the body, mind, spirit connection, can provide the opportunities to finally let go of habits ego no longer needs to hide behind. Really, if you have been listening, you will find the world, and universe at large, has been trying to talk to you for a while.

If you've been feeling the undaunting nudge to embrace your true destiny the last three or four years, you're not alone. The push to live more in line with your higher self, and embrace the pressure to move into a more authentic version of you, means you're right where you're supposed to be. Unfortunately, every time you think you're getting there, Taurus, Spring rolls around, and you feel as lost as ever. I promise, by this time a couple of years from now, it will all make sense! Hang on a little while longer, and you'll finally be onto the next lesson - consciously defining yourself. In the mean time, the power you have to connect with your subconscious, is a gift preparing you for a solid foundation to build on. Restoring balance; simplifying life; letting go of what is stressing you out and embracing your quiet center; putting these things in place will prepare you for what is to come.  

Aries - Spring 2016 Horoscope

This year has been quite a return to source for you, Aries! More than any other time, and probably more than any other sign, you are being called to reinvent yourself. The natural instinct of Aries ego is to charge forward. You take the lead, sight unseen, with nothing more than courage, and the impulse to break new and innovative ground, for guidance. But, as you strive to become a more fully formed personality, you are being asked to become painfully aware of who you are, and what you stand for, in order to be the leader you were meant to be. 

Uranus is a little more than half way through a long, seven year transit of your sign. This, along with movement in Pisces, can provide you the ability to look at your past, the habits you have developed, and all that has subconsciously created your current identity. It is becoming easier to see, and let go of, what no longer lends itself to the person you have been working to become. The first step to becoming all you are meant to be, involves shedding the skin of the person you no longer are. It's alright to be a little scared, and don't worry if you aren't this new person overnight. You've been developing and growing as a person since birth, and this new version of you has been taking shape for a while now; like all rebirths, it takes some time to get done with the incubation process. Have patience with yourself, and breath through it. I know you won't take my advice, and it will unfold with all the pushing an Aries loves, but try to be as Zen as possible, and strive for balance in all areas of your life. It will be good practice for the you, you are becoming!  

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Friends, Lovers, Soul Mates and Loss

Relationships in our society seem to be painfully well defined and yet woefully misunderstood. If you ask most men or women to describe their "soul mate", it almost immediately takes on a sexual tone. We start describing this person that is our perfect mate, our opposite that completes us, and provides that magical relationship everyone wants, but rarely gets. What happens, though, if your soul mate is your best friend? Or, how do you describe loving someone so deeply that you are you, because of knowing them, but it's your brother or sister? Can we have a soul mate that is our business partner, or the person we create with, but not the person we want to be romantic with? YES! Unfortunately these are relationships that are hard to understand, and even harder to explain to the people around you.

As an astrologer, I love to watch people transverse the ups and downs of their lives. I am often in awe of how they decide to pull on one strength or hide in another. In the end, what I almost always see is divine timing. I see how someone might use their Pisces influence to hide, and while the rest of us worry about them, they pull themselves out of hiding just when it's the right time for everyone. And, I am always learning from it. As these recent eclipses have moved through our lives, I have again been amazed at watching how they are resonating with those I am lucky enough to have honest, heart to heart talks with. The themes of friendship, past lovers, soul mates and loss have been right at the raw edges of many of these conversations. Even with friends and acquaintances I have had fairly casual conversations with, there has been a nostalgic toss of topic to a past boyfriend, or they bring up one of mine. And for all of us, there has been some consideration on how relationships of all kinds, past and present, have molded the person we are now. Our past is almost always remembered in relation to the people we were sharing it with, and sometime, that makes the memories quite bitter sweet.

The truth is, we are actually very limited when it comes to talking about relationships in our society, because it seems like there are little boxes of defined ideas on how we are supposed to relate to each other. We need more definitions, or maybe we need to start refusing to have definitions at all. We are becoming more and more complicated beings. We are living longer with the ability to make connections across the world, now. We, as men and women, are hearing the call to become more balanced within our own sacred masculine and feminine, and the connections to each other are demanding more examination. I have had relationships with my family, my girlfriends, friends that were guy-friends, Lovers that were not exactly friends, friends that I couldn't seem to keep from becoming lovers, and simple, fit in the box relationships that were easy to explain. Out of all of those relationships, some have been soul mates, some have been ships passing by, but all become a part of my past and present. These connections make me who I am, and how I tell my story. Unfortunately, some of those stories are just as defined by the good-bye, as the pages leading up to it.

In reality, I have had very few relationships that don't fit into some kind of definition the world can relate to. As a woman, I think we get a little more leeway for defining our relationships, especially with each other. It's kind of a stereotype, or a given double standard, but women are expected to have close relationships with other women, their children, and are prepared emotionally from the start to have deep feelings that have nothing to do with sex. Men, on the other hand, can find it difficult to describe how they love someone that isn't a romantic interest. For a growing number of men, especially men that don't quite fit into today's more aggressive, less introspective, stereotypical male role model, they have complicated relationships, too.  I have no idea what it would be like to lose a best friend or soul mate as a man in today's world, and we don't provide much room to talk about it.

In my world, I was given a lot of freedom by my Aquarian mother to talk freely, love openly, and grow into myself. As a girl, growing into a woman, I never thought twice about describing my best friend as a bright and vibrant soul, with a graceful beauty and creativity that seemed to spring from every asset of his life. I was allowed to describe how we could talk about anything, and the way he touched my life. None of my description would have been considered a weird conversation, and I would not have been judged for it. If I had been describing a best friend that was a girl or my sister, I would have had the same luxury. And, when my best friend and I had to go our separate ways, it was pretty familiar ground for my friends to comfort me. It was like a breakup. We both could sense we weren't growing this way anymore. Our friendship was hard to explain to the romantic partners in our lives, who couldn't fathom us not being romantically involved. It was heartbreaking, and I knew I had said goodbye to a soul mate, but I was prepared to say goodbye, because it was best for everyone involved.

My story of goodbye is fairly easy to understand, even if the relationship was complicated. What happens, though, if that best friend and soul mate is your brother, or your sister, or the creative partner that your lively hood depends on? Then, whether you are male or female, it becomes even more challenging to describe, harder to balance, and seemingly unfathomable to say goodbye. How do you share that much of yourself, and still find the balance of a romantic relationship in your life? What if you are a guy, and your soul mate is another guy, and  you don't feel like you have the right words to describe how you feel?  This person may be an incredible source of love, inspiration, and frustration for you (all words used to describe a soul mate), but you feel kind of funny saying that, because your relationship doesn't quite fit into one of those easily defined boxes. And even worse, what if life circumstances force you to say goodbye? I have seen many friends deal with complicated and gut wrenching goodbyes, but it does seem that some are easier to wrap your mind around than others. It is that complicated mind processing, which will never make sense of the situation, but still chooses to try to find a way to relate to the world when it would be easier to hide - these are the type of people who inspire me. This set of march eclipses, provided an unexpected mirror to my own losses, goodbyes, and new beginnings (all Pisces themes, which were really brought to a pinnacle with the first March eclipse); not to mention giving further examination of the idea of actively creating balance in all areas of my life (that last Libra eclipse in the series was a doozey for me). Although I am sure we will all be glad to move onto a new set of lessons, I will always feel blessed for the ways in which I was taught these ones.  

As an astrologer, I love messy, gritty, real people, that are willing to get into their shit and really sort it out. The more complicated and aware the person, the less predictably they react to the influences of the transits against their chart. I am always fascinated to see how these people pull it off. I have watched an Aries eclipse cause a client to break free from an old sense of identity, and walk into her purpose, when continuing to bury her head in the stubborn Taurus ego would have been easier and less scary. I've seen this movement of eclipses encourage people into counseling, men and women with strongly intellectual based signs like Gemini, Aquarius, and Virgo, to honestly start tackling difficult, emotional groundwork. Although this is not natural for them, it certainly is the higher octave of self love that they needed in order to move forward toward self-actualization. It can be amazing! I know it sounds a little sexist, but I meet very few men who do not behave fairly predictably within the framework of their charts - but I have met a few. They are beautiful! They need encouragement from all the women in their lives, because these complicated, sensitive, evolving males are hearing the call of balance from this last set of eclipses. Whether these men known it or not, they have always been chosen to lead, and they don't have many examples.

There is something kind of incredible about a man that can recognize, and express a connection so profound, that it helps to define who they are. There is something amazing in this for women, too! These men want to embrace another human, regardless of an easy label; however they are still interested in being men, and embracing the wild and assertive side of the sacred masculine. This is uncharted territory, requiring delicate balance, and they are showing other men how it's done. For all of my sisters out there, that have been telling me they aren't that attracted to the men they meet who are pursuing a spiritual path, have patience; it's coming. We're all having a difficult time honoring the sacred masculine and feminine within us. There has been a lot of talk in astrological circles about the meaning of the set of eclipses that started three years ago, in October of 2013. It has been fascinating on an intellectual level, but on a personal level, watching this balance unfold in real life, for the people I love (usually with no astrological help at all), has been wonderful to experience.

As men become more capable of honoring and appreciating the sacred feminine within, they become aware of just how strong and healing that feminine energy is. As we all start adjusting what it means to be a strong and potent man, women can let go of our need to imitate an unhealthy version of the male ego in order to compete in our society. As we all start heeding the call of balance within our own body, mind, and spirit, we can also start honoring all the soul mates in our lives - because we have many. More importantly, not only did this last three year cycle give us the time and space to explore the ideas of love, relationship, and identity of self vs. other, it is also awakening the need for a more evolved idea of love: the kind of love that does not own or control; the kind of love that holds a heart with an open hand, not a closed fist; the kind of brotherly love that isn't the passionate, all consuming love of Venus and Mars, but a Neptunian idea love. This is the love that wants all good things for each other which, unfortunately sometimes includes letting go, and all the human emotion of the flesh not wanting to. That is the beauty of this set of eclipses for me - watching those I love actually putting in the work: the work to feel it, no matter how bad it hurts; the work of trying to put into words things that have no clear path to define; the work of living through it all and choosing to redefine love, instead of taking the easier path of bitterness and escapism (a favorite hiding spot for Pisces energy, themes the March 8th eclipse brought up). I am in awe of you all, and you inspire me to continue to fight the fight of helping people make sense of it all.