Monday, April 4, 2016

Pisces - Spring 2016 Horoscope

Finances; possessions; what you value, and why: these are the ideas that keep swirling around in your psyche, right now Pisces. Hopefully, the changes and upsets in these areas have come to a peak, because the stress is getting out of hand!  Has the universe been providing events forcing you to look at whether you are in control of these possessions, or they're controlling you? The funny thing about money and belongings,  they are a very real representation of your attitude regarding what you value. 

Do you value the security of a warm, safe home that provides you a place to relax and recharge, or do you value money in the bank? Do you sacrifice creating a sanctuary for yourself in exchange for the security of a financial safety net? Do you value the ability to share what you cherish - physically, emotionally, and mentally- with those you love, or do you hoard all you possess, sharing little and keeping it hidden for yourself? Living in a fear based world, where you feel as if there is never enough coming in for you to survive, will create a self fulfilling prophecy.

Now's the time to look at what "things" are worth to you, Pisces. You're being asked to dig deep over the next couple of years, and take stalk of what you have learned about going without. Has it hardened your spirit, created additional anxiety, and longing in your life, or have you noticed the kindness of friends and family, helping you through, and sharing what they have? Is it possible to look back, and realize you've survived? Are you ready to let go of your outdated value system, and embrace an attitude of gratitude? There's a balance between freedom and responsibility that all money represents on a spiritual level. This is your time to start looking deeper than paying the bills with irritation, as you notice there isn't enough left over to have any fun! If you want more financial prosperity, Pisces, start taking a look at your overall value system; what's it telling you? Maybe you need to look at how lucky and blessed you already are. Life, family, friends, and time - these really are treasures you can't replace! 

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