Saturday, April 2, 2016

Taurus - Spring 2016 Horoscope

Spring in general, is a glorious time of mystery for you, Taurus, and this year won't disappoint! For you, the early spring should mean time for contemplating the darkness before the rebirth. It is important to make time to connect with pure intuition, and you do this by being still. You have had time for reflecting on behaviors and the repeating patterns you have not only outgrown, but seem to be biting you in the butt until you notice them. If you have been feeling as if some reactions are out of your control they can become, not only problematic, but create enough emotional pressure to finally come to light. Have some patience with yourself, Taurus. You've been in the middle of a seven year cycle; ridding yourself of the behaviors and habits you have finally outgrown. New habits don't start over night, and outgrown habits certainly don't fall away that quickly, either. The last three years of incredible self discovery, which has involved your need to find new and primal connections to the body, mind, spirit connection, can provide the opportunities to finally let go of habits ego no longer needs to hide behind. Really, if you have been listening, you will find the world, and universe at large, has been trying to talk to you for a while.

If you've been feeling the undaunting nudge to embrace your true destiny the last three or four years, you're not alone. The push to live more in line with your higher self, and embrace the pressure to move into a more authentic version of you, means you're right where you're supposed to be. Unfortunately, every time you think you're getting there, Taurus, Spring rolls around, and you feel as lost as ever. I promise, by this time a couple of years from now, it will all make sense! Hang on a little while longer, and you'll finally be onto the next lesson - consciously defining yourself. In the mean time, the power you have to connect with your subconscious, is a gift preparing you for a solid foundation to build on. Restoring balance; simplifying life; letting go of what is stressing you out and embracing your quiet center; putting these things in place will prepare you for what is to come.  

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