Sunday, April 3, 2016

Libra - Spring 2016 Horoscope

Oh, Libra! Spring is always a time when you feel love is in the air! Partnerships; cooperation; the need to focus on the people in our lives; how well relationships are working - these are your keys to navigating this month successfully. The last few years may have been showing you all the spots where your closest relationships were lacking, or dysfunctional. There's been a real need to overhaul all the relationships in your life. Now, more than ever, you may be intrigued by the idea of partnerships. This isn't the time to try to plow through anything alone, but don't confuse the relationship you crave, with the fun of a fling.

There're some important, real life lessons for you this month, Libra. The impulse to lose yourself in a love affair could be intense - knocking you off balance completely!  A desire to find distraction in someone else, to excuse you from the real work you must do in order to make yourself a good partner, could be the easy out for you this month. I'm not saying that a single Libra shouldn't be out there having fun, but you may want to be leery of a romance that you allow to completely sweep you away. Love can be a drug, and this month, you may want to just give in. Unfortunately, like any escape, love used to self-medicate, can disconnect you from the actual experience at hand! 

You still have a couple more years to focus on partnerships. If your relationships are not on solid ground, expect the unexpected. You're being given a wonderful opportunity with these transits, including the catalyst of the last set of eclipses, to overhaul any relationship you feel is worth saving. Those partnerships you have outgrown, or have built on less than stable ground, will unexpectedly fall away.  P.S. Don't foolishly think we are talking solely of romantic partners - you have learning to do with all the relationships in your life! 

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