Monday, April 4, 2016

Aquarius - Spring 2016 Horoscope

For those of us who know and love an Aquarius or two, the idea of them having a daily routine to interrupt, may seem hard to wrap our minds around. If you ask any Aquarian, they'll tell you the delicate balance they've created for getting it all done, and having time for themselves - is no joke! The last few years have been a serious test of your patience, as daily life keeps getting interrupted by circumstances outside your control. Sometimes it really is true, that when things seem to be falling apart, they're actually falling together. As the small, everyday routines in your life have been forced to change, you've been given a wonderful opportunity to see how integral a part you play in the lives of others. You're important! The daily grind you're a part of, would miss you if you were gone. Sometimes, isn't it enough to know you matter! 

Life is picking up speed after the last few years of pitfalls, delays, and no routine to be found. You seem to be recharged by the daily schedule picking up and life finding a groove of its own.  If you have an opportunity to partner with someone, or work on a group project that needs your unique perspective, jump on it, Aquarius! There are some resources only you can offer. Don't sell yourself short. Embrace the opportunities that are coming into your life right now, and trust that being a "yes" person will help you achieve a new and improved daily balance. Take heart, this time of chaos will soon starting to make sense, and within a couple of years you will be glad for your discombobulated routine and the way it shook out. You're going to love it, Aquarius!  

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