Thursday, January 16, 2014

Horoscope: January 20 - February 19, 2014

Happy Birthday, Aquarius!

This is a great time to look within and evaluate all the things you have accomplished and the dreams you have yet to make come true. As the sun transits your natal Aquarius, take this time to connect with, and celebrate, the person you have become, and find your inner voice. If you have yet to start working on that one great gift you have to give to the world, start now! Formulate the plan, start putting it down on paper and talking about it with friends. Your birthday is a natural time to start something new, and this year is a good time to start planning! 

Things in your life may seem a little routine and tired, but you may not have the energy to do anything about it. Inner reflection and evaluation of what you have accomplished for the year will provide a lot of insight right now, especially if you pay attention to your dreams, the clues you are receiving from around you and your inner voice during quiet times. This is a good time for thinking about the person you are becoming and how you would like to grow and change in the upcoming year, Pieces. 


You may find this time preoccupied with friends, family, co-workers and relationships in general. Relationships can bring us our greatest lessons, and our greatest rewards. Even if your accomplishments are your own, the people who surround you have an effect on you, so sometimes it is important to look at these relationships and how they impact your life. This is a good time to invest in those relationships that invest in your best version of you and look at the mirror all your relationships are reflecting back, Aries. They are all lessons and opportunities to connect and grow.  


You are being asked to shake up your routine and bring your focus back to career, the exchange of information, and expanding the idea of what you have to offer the world. Sharing your ideas and exploring other people’s point of view can be a spring board for your growth at this time, Taurus. You may find it hard to relax and take care of yourself,  but you should think of “me time” as part of the work of finding balance right now – it's harder work than you think; try it!  


Go ahead, Gemini, take a break and play for a while! You're really feeling the need to socialize, play, connect with your inner child, and recharge. If you can’t find the time for a vacation, you may be able to find something to study that peaks your interest. You want to break out of your normal routine, find some excitement or find something new to put your energy into. Don’t forget to take some time to think about how your year is going and if you need to make any adjustments to meet your goals for the year. This is a good time to make those small adjustments to stay on track.  


This may be a sensitive time for you, as you are being asked to reflect and focus on your emotions and deepest desires. Partnerships may be a source of self-discovery and if you meet someone new, it may be
powerful and offer you a different view of who you could be or what you could accomplish. The relationship may or may not last, but the effects could be intense.  If you are already in a committed relationship, this is a good time to connect in a deeper, more profound way. Nurturing your emotional needs now will pay off in many ways, including a deeper connection to your subconscious now and a better understanding of yourself later.  

If you feel as if everything is coming to a head right now, Leo, you are right. Cooperation is very important at this time. It would be a good idea to take a step back when emotions run high, in order to stay objective. If you have been putting in the work and planning ahead, there is no need to be defensive. What is working will work out great, but light will be shed on what is not working out as well, so adjustments can be made for success. You have plenty of energy and work will come easily, so tap into that vitality and move forward with a team attitude on projects for success. 


This is a fantastic time to take stock of how you manage your life – or how your life manages you, Virgo. You may find your focus turning to practical matters such as work, health, efficiency, and tasks at hand, and how to balance these things with fun, relationships and your personal goals for the future. There may be a feeling of being behind, or never having time for all the little things that need to be done in a day, or a week, or a month! This is the perfect time to put energy into looking at what would need to be done to be well-organized and disciplined about staying on top of tasks that can pile up in all areas of life. The real question is,” how can you create more time in your daily life for pursuing your greater purpose?”  


You have been putting in a lot of hard work and now you really want to have those accomplishments acknowledged and rewarded with a little more control over your time and the freedom to put your energy where you feel it will be most useful and effective. The ability to balance work and play with the
prospect of multitasking work with being more fun, is a real possibility now. The drive to achieve and find more satisfaction in your profession is strong. If the energy you are expelling is out of balance, you will find subtle clues telling you what isn’t working right now, Libra, so listen.


You may be yearning for the comforts of home, family, and the familiar. If you seem to be having a crisis in consciousness, or feel like your whole identity may need to be re-examined, consider the idea that this may be a wonderful opportunity to become a better version of yourself than you ever imagined there could be. You might be underestimating what you have to offer the world. You may want to take some time out to reflect on how the past has shaped you into the person you are now, and how are you working toward becoming the person you want to be. 


Your schedule is full to the brim, Sagittarius; just the way you like it! You’re always a social butterfly, so you are at your best right now: out with friends; meeting with business associates. This is a good time to take inventory of the people you have in your everyday life and looking at how they support you and your larger goals, and how you support theirs. You are putting a lot of energy into pursuing your dreams and goals, and you need people around that are going to encourage you to keep going. 


This may be a fairly quiet time for you, with a lot of reflection on what you value in life. It may be tempting to bury your head in work and practical matters like making money, but you are being asked to really contemplate what is important in life. A good conversation with a close friend or partner may help you clarify what your true values are and what philosophies of life you have out grown, or were flawed. It’s alright to admit that with more information you have changed your mind – it shows you are thoughtful and open-minded. 

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