Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Virgo Horoscope for July

What drive, what passion, what desire you have lately, Virgo! There is a huge push in your need to achieve right now. You have big things and important projects on your mind right now, and you really want to be noticed. The problem is there is a fine line between showing the world all you have to offer, and irritating those in charge and the rest of the group involved in the effort. Some things in life must be accomplished as a team effort, and learning to work with others is at the forefront for you right now. You may be having a difficult time working with authority of all kinds right now. The problem probably has less to do with the person in charge, and more to do with how badly you want to be recognized for your really great ideas and efforts as of late. This is a good time to take a step back and look at how the dynamics of your group is working. In a group, everyone wants just what you want. Everyone in the group wants to have their gifts and talents recognized and highlighted somehow. Instead of trying to control the group, make sure the project aligns with both, your ethics and goals, and look to see how everyone can be best utilized. As long as your intentions and actions become aligned, and you truly look at how everyone is best represented, you will get your recognition. If one person can change the world, think of what 25 can do!

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