Friday, March 22, 2013

The every girls guide to using astrology in your everyday life

I have always loved reading my horoscope in the newspaper. I think it was just the idea of a universal order to things that made me keep reading. At some point though, I thought there must be more to this, because it’s hardly ever actually helpful. As I got older and started exploring astrology with a more serious attitude, I realized I could use astrology to help discover my place in the order of the universe.

When I talk to my clients, it isn’t that they want someone to predict their future they just want to know if they are on the right track. Astrology is really less about the zodiac constellations and more about seasons. Part of feeling like you are making the most of your gifts, and living life to its fullest, is being in sync with nature, life, and the season you are in. Each year has the same four seasons that dictate our life, but life also has its own seasons. Just like the seasons of the year repeat, so do the cycles of our life. Even though seasons repeat year in and out, each year has a different flavor to each season and unfolds in its own way. It is that same sense of order unfolding in each person’s life that can help us to get more in sync with our own rhythms. This Friday’s blog is going to be dedicated to helping us all get a finger on our own pulse.

So, as our first homework assignment: Start paying attention to the two biggest astrological influences in our lives, the Sun and the Moon. The motion of the Sun coming up and going down is the first and most important influence in our day to day lives. Doctors call the natural daily energy fluctuations we experience “diurnal rhythm” (measurable by temperature). The moon is a monthly cycle that most women are very aware of, even if they don’t pay attention. Most women have a cycle that follows the moons cycle. For years I didn’t think mine did, and then I noticed my cycle also adjusted with the SEASON! I was in sync with the full moon in the winter, but the new moon in the summer. You may want to start a quick energy and mood journal. You can always go back and look at moon phases and other details, but if you jot down quick notes about energy level, mood, etc. with the date and time, you may be surprised at the patterns you discover. Once you know your patterns and start planning ahead for them – you are using astrology! Of course it gets more complicated, but this is how we start making it FOR YOU!

 I would love to hear your comments about this Friday blog idea. They won’t all be this long, but I felt we needed an introduction to the idea. Take care and I will be back next Friday!

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