Sunday, February 27, 2011

Aries Horoscope for the month of March, 2011

Spring is always a time of rebirth for you, Aries, but this spring is going to be particularly full of energy and a desire for change. Your mind will be buzzing with thoughts and inspiration for a new you in this upcoming year and you may be considering ways to improve yourself or your situation. Although you will want to talk about all your exciting ideas with friends, also make sure you take time to sit quietly with your thoughts for contemplation. I know that this isn’t your strong suite, so maybe some moving meditation such as Yoga or Tai chi will help you collect your thoughts. If you have been having any tensions with friends or associates, there may be an opportunity this month to smooth things over, as you will have moments of positive energy and the ability to impress others at the beginning of the month. Just make sure to be honest with others and try not to put on a show. Let your natural enthusiasm for your new venture shine through; you never know when a friend may be able to lend a hand or have a good suggestion. Try not to get overwhelmed when you think of all the work that may be ahead to accomplish all you want to do. Work at trying to keep a positive attitude and balancing your current responsibilities with your desire to socialize and daydream about the future. As long as you are getting your work done, make sure to find some time to play; especially if your recreation involves something physical that can help to expend some of the energy that will be building up right now. You have a real need to shake up your routine and break away from the norm. This may help you with this personal change you want to make, but make sure that you are taking risks and making changes that will be positive and healthy, not risky just for the thrill of it. Also, try to get any technical work or contracts completed and signed before the 30th, as Mercury goes retrograde on this day and things could get a bit muddled after that.


  1. Wow, Sarah - your're good. This is right on target for where I feel I am at right now :) My b-day is March 21st, so probably some Pisces tendencies too - can't wait to read your post on that too!

  2. Thanks Barbara. I am so glad you found time to read my blog=^)
